
Sproxil anti-counterfeiting solution against fake anti-malarial drugs
  • March 23, 2020
  • global.itsupport

COVID-19: An Update From Sproxil CEO

A majority of the world has experienced unprecedented changes in daily life due to impacts from COVID-19. Our team empathises with the sense of uncertainty, despair and fear arising from

  • November 1, 2018
  • global.itsupport

Sproxil Surpasses 80 Million Consumer Verifications

In May this year, we celebrated a 75 million consumer verification milestone – the highest in the industry and we are proud to announce that we mark yet another noteworthy

  • May 30, 2018
  • global.itsupport

75 Million Consumer Engagement Milestone

We are glad to announce Sproxil’s recent achievement of reaching the 75 million consumer engagement milestone – the highest in our industry! This achievement further confirms our position as the

  • October 1, 2017
  • global.itsupport

5-star Service Guarantee For All

We are glad to announce that we are promoting our 5-star service guarantee program from beta and making it available to all of our clients starting today!