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Client Uses Sproxil Informer + Defender Solution to Monitor High-Value Product Throughout Supply Chain

This bespoke solution helps international aid donor capture data on every link of the supply chain with end consumer engagement to complete the information loop.


Sproxil – Sept 2017 1 Acme is an international scientific research organization that manufactures high value pharmaceutical vaccines. The vaccines themselves being worth millions of dollars of research, individual units cost thousand of dollars. As a Corporate Social Responsibility project, Acme donates vaccines against life threatening diseases to countries across the world plagued by them. This aid donation can make a big difference in mortality rates for such diseases.


Developing countries are often decades behind the rest of the world in many sectors that are vital to the quality of life of their people, especially innovations in Medical and Pharmaceutical care. Typically, such countries are in the throes or aftermath of turbulent times like epidemics, natural disasters or political unrest. In addition to this, they are often plagued with deeply systemic corruption, which makes process transparency and subsequently, equitable resource distribution difficult. In such environments, individuals with high net worth or government connections are able to divert materials meant for the unlettered in the society for their profit or personal use. Without digital reporting systems for such logistic projects, this resource diversion can’t be prevented.


Acme wanted the ability to securely track & trace their product as it moved through the supply chain. They had begun the process prior to engaging Sproxil and discovered gaps in information about the movement of the goods. However, as the project was already in progress, there was an existing stock of vaccines that had already been packaged, serialized & ready for shipping. Any new changes could only be implemented on the next batch produced. However, whatever tracking technology they used would need to be flexible enough to accommodate tracking of already produced stock.


The Sproxil Solution
Sproxil – Sept 2017 Sproxil designed for Acme, a bespoke supply chain monitoring system, with end consumer engagement to provide end-to end security. The solution was a combination of Sproxil Informer, Sproxil’s track & trace solution, and Defender- the consumer facing product authentication solution favored by many multinational pharmaceuticals.


Till date, Sproxil has generated for Acme over eight hundred thousand pins which have been used to securely monitor the movement of high-risk pharmaceutical goods worth $100 million dollars through the supply chains in 41 countries. As a result of the success of the project, Acme is considering expanding Sproxil’s coverage to more countries.


The Future 
If Acme wanted in the future to survey beneficiaries of their vaccines, it already has the channel for that with a minor tweaking of its Sproxil solution. With Sproxil Defender, authentication responses can direct users to take a survey on their mobile phones. With that, the company can gather anonymized data from the users of its genuine product, rest assured of the integrity of what they are receiving; which for a research institute, is incredibly important.

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