• April 13, 2010
  • global.itsupport

The Brazilian Serialization Initiative

Brazil, home of 191M people and the largest drug market in South America (estimated at $17B in 2008), has just implemented a three-year plan to track all of its medicinal

  • March 23, 2010
  • global.itsupport

Mobile Phone Experts weigh in on Sproxil’s technology

Reuters recently asked experts in the mobile phone industry to weigh in on Sproxil’s technology. This follow-up piece on the original article gives readers some interesting feedback on our MPATM

sproxil partners in the fight against counterfeiting
  • March 18, 2010
  • global.itsupport

Anti-Counterfeit Collaboration to Combat Counterfeiting

The counterfeit issue has become so widespread in the Nigerian marketplace that non-governmental organizations and major brands alike have turned to the government for help. The Anti-Counterfeit Collaboration (ACC) was

  • March 17, 2010
  • global.itsupport

Reuters: Mobile startup takes on drug counterfeiters

Reuters just featured Sproxil’s progress on securing valuable brands and keeping consumers safe from counterfeits. The detailed article comes complete with a Sproxil factbox, video interview with our CFO and

  • March 12, 2010
  • global.itsupport

Recent media coverage

Today has been an extremely busy day at the Sproxil offices. In addition to the piece in the Wall Street Journal we also got coverage by Venture Capital Dispatch and