We have successfully met the eligibility criteria of the GS1 India Barcode Solution Partner program and are officially recognized as a GS1 India solution provider! This means that our award-winning Mobile Product Authentication™ (MPA™) solution officially supports the use of GS1 global supply chain standards for bar codes. We join a community of other qualified solution providers for GS1 India and GS1 Global to uphold the organization’s standards for barcodes. The GS1 India Barcode Solution Partner program helps build strong working relationships between Solution providers and GS1 India subscribers. Through the initiative, we also have access to various educational resources and workshops to promote GS1 standards.
As we continue to raise the standards for innovative product verification solutions, we look forward to working with other organizations to further our mission and remain the most widely-used solution provider for mobile-based product protection solutions in high-growth markets. Know more here