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A Farewell to the year 2014

  • December 16, 2014

December is a good time to reflect on all of the positive achievements accomplished during the year. From winning the Schwab Foundation’s Entrepreneur of the Year award to becoming ISO-27001 and ISO-9001 certified, 2014 was quite busy.

We’ve also welcomed a new group of passionate, hard-working people to our global family this year. With our team quickly growing, we learned a lot about having good teamwork, maintaining positive dynamics, and fostering productive relationships.

Our Cambridge (U.S.) team took what we’ve learned and went candlepin bowling.

Why bowling? It really wasn’t about what kind of activity we did, but that we played as a team (and had some healthy competition!). We recognize that teams are much more productive when they share a bond beyond the conference room walls. And quite frankly, with all of the exciting developments we’re working on, the short break was well-deserved.

As 2014 comes to a close, we emphasize the collaboration and hard work that brought us to where we are now. We look forward to 2015 with a lot of promise and more exciting news to come!

See you next year!

– The Sproxil team

— More pictures of Sproxil’s team going pro —