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Recent Media Mentions

  • October 8, 2010

Last quarter ended with great progress on expanding our efforts across Africa while receiving praise for the milestones Sproxil and its collaborators have already achieved.The momentum has rolled into this quarter, with some recent media mentions:

  • The ZDNet UK syndication of a Sproxil guest blog post at the UN Dispatch.
  • A mention as an alternative technology solution on FiercePharma Manufacturing‘s article on RFID that highlights some challenges faced in using electronic chips for validating drugs in developing nations.
  • FierceMobile Healthcare titled “U.S. lags behind in mobile health adoption” is worth a read:

    Saxon notes that Interpol and authorities in Zanzibar, Tanzania, last month seized hundreds of boxes of counterfeit drugs. “Using fake drugs has tragic consequences–there is decreased immunity and people lose faith in life-saving medicine,” Saxon says. “Technologists came up with a solution: individuals can verify the authenticity of medicine by sending a text message with an ID number printed on the box of legitimate medicine, then the drug company text back verifying that the medicine is OK to use.”

    Again, behold the power of the text message.

  • SOCAP 10 Headline News, highlighting Sproxil’s recent Commitment to Action at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
  • The mHealth Alliance’s mPulse update.

These are certainly exciting times for Sproxil and we thank consumers for their continued texting! Stay safe – avoid fakes.